One of the more popular of the Fictional Characters that MORGAN WYNN PUBLISHING
features is:
One of Tamarack’s under takings is conducting a two-day Conference where he and his staff
conducts a number of Seminars for would-be Treasure Hunters. As a result, we have decided that it might be fun to conduct these Seminars ourselves!
They include, at this time:
Determining what a Treasure is
Knowing the Laws that Cover Treasure Hunting
How to find Trustworthy Experts to Evaluate Treasures Found
How to Market Yourself as a Treasure Hunter
Unrealistic Expectations to Avoid
You SHOULD Become a Treasure Hunter If:
Tools of the Trade
Ways to Make Money as a Bona fide Treasure Hunter
If you, or someone you know, would like to venture into the world of Treasure Hunting, make
arrangements to attend the MORGAN WYNN PUBLISHING Treasure Hunting Conference